Oread Summer Mezcal Sour


Cocktail by Chase Bardole for Barebones Living


  • 1.5 oz Espadin Mezcal

  • .5 oz Long Lost Oread Botanical Liqueur

  • .5 oz agave syrup

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • Twisted lemon peel or sprig of rosemary for garnish


Fill your shaker or mug with the Espadin Mezcal, Oread, agave syrup, and the juice of one lemon. If using a shaker, mix ingredients by “dry shaking” without ice. If using a mug, mix together thoroughly with a stir spoon. Next take a rocks glass or mug and fill ¾ of glass with crushed ice or one giant cube. Finally, pour your freshly shaken cocktail over the ice. Top with twisted lemon peel or a sprig of rosemary for garnish.